227⎪I Would Have Wanted...

…the last half of this comic to look better !

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed I’ve been very productive since the beginning of the COVID-19 quarantine. Part of it is my professional contract that’s in its last stretch, another one is the gay-sex dramedy Santa Frances (first episode debuts on April 27th on Patreon and May 4th on Instagram!), and between those two I took part in Jimmy Beaulieu’s 24H de la bande-dessinée de fin du monde. It was a challenge to draw a 24 pages long comic in the span of 48 hours. It was absolutely exhausting but i’m pretty proud of what I did (even if the last half clearly isn’t as polished as the first, and I literally finished the last pages minutes before the deadline).

You can read it on the site here and you can check out all the other participants on Toutestfoutu.com. oh, it’s in French, by the way, since it’s a francophone challenge.

We got the theme on April 1st at 3pm (9am in North America) which was “J’aurais voulu” (“I would have wanted to”). I had a couple self-imposed conditions before starting ; first of, drawing the comic on paper, and featuring a female character (since I’ve been spending so much time drawing men these past few weeks). I conceived the story in a dozen minutes and then I was off to the races!

Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy it despite the drop in quality in the art in the last few pages (I was thinking of redoing them but that would defy the purpose).

225⎪New Adventures of Old Bruise

Hey everybody! It’s been a while since the last blog post, which doesn’t mean I haven’t been drawing, on the contrary ! Since the beginning of the year, I have a cool new contract that actually pays me a bunch of money to draw, which is really nice, but doesn’t give me much time to work on my own stuff.
And still, here’s - finally - the full third issue of Bruise !


Though it seems like it took a while to complete, it’s actually the Bruise story I’ve spent the least time working on. The third instalment was originally going to be a completely different story, having Bruise and Will take Yogi to steal some McGuffin on a cruise ship. I realised it wasn’t strong enough for a third episode, and it was too early in the narrative to have the characters galavant outside of New Arch City already. Thus, I had to come up with a completely new subplot to replace it, and that’s how i came up with this episode, “Scandal in the wind”. and not only do I think it’s way stronger than what I’d planned, I also really like the new character I created specifically for this story, Nola Del Rey. I had a lot of fun writing this episode and drawing the two action scenes, and I hope it’ll show.

Here a preview of the first four pages :

The online shop is now open so, if you’re interested, you can buy Issue #3 there, as well as all the other episodes, other comics and posters of some of the site’s artworks. (If you’re interested in purchasing any artwork that isn’t featured on the shop page, message me directly at contact@thekoneverse.com and tell me which one you wish to buy!)

Thanks for the support, and I’m really excited to hear what you think about it, so don’t hesitate to reach out !

Bruise #3 - Digital edition
Bruise #3 - Print Edition

Bruise has a new mission : escorting the Costa Frican princess Nola Del Rey during her week in New Arch City. Unfortunately, neither the fact that Will tags along nor the men that are after the princess are going to make the task any easier…

Signed copy - COLORS - 40 PAGES

Age rating : TEENS - Mild violence, coarse language.

222 | Back to Portwood

Hi everyone ! Hope you had a great summer, like I did ! (Weddings, Berlin, swimming in lakes in Switzerland...) But now it's time to go back to work, so celebrate Labor Day with a new addition to the American Freaks comic !

Click to read the chapter!

Click to read the chapter!

I finished drawing (H)Ex - part 1 in August of 2012, which means it took six years and a couple days for me to complete the story (which is a bit ludicrous since I literally drew this whole chapter in 3 days) ! Better late than never I guess. I renamed the two-part story "The Girlfriend", since it no longer has anything to do with witches, unlike previously planned.

Though I didn't draw any A-F comic in six years, I never abandoned the project ; I made a bunch of artworks and developed the story, which allowed me to improve the comic. I made a bunch of significant changes (like the name of the city). For example, Noah, who first appears physically in Part II, used to have a completely different name in Part I :

Blog - Noah Wayne.png

Anecdotally, Noah is actually an older character than all the other ones. I created him as a part of the cast of Deep, a supernatural action comic (you can read some of it here). I decided to re-use his design when I gave up on that first project, and he seemed like the perfect addition to the freaks roaming in Portwood.

As for Ned's ex, she was supposed to JUST be a nameless girl that would only appear in this episode as a means to introduce Noah (she was so inconsequential that I googled the term "Basic Bitch" to design her clothing and hairdo). I ended up really liking her design, so I decided to keep her in the cast, as she's kind of an asshole, which makes her a perfect addition.

Blog - Ex is a bitch.png

But the biggest change is the character of Perry. Though he has the same personality, I completely remodeled him, going from this

to this :

Some of it has to do with evolution in my art style (which has become a little less manga over the years), a lot of it has to do with actually making him look mixed-race like he's supposed to be, instead of the indeterminate ambiguity of his previous looks :

Blog - Latino Chinese.png

Anyway, I hope you like the chapter ! I'm going to force myself to go back to comic-ing immediately, as I tend to take overlong breaks everytime I finish a comic. The script for Bruise's third episode is ready, I have a new short story project that i've been wanting to make for two years, and I already have plenty of other American Freaks stories planned, so, if all goes well, there won't be another six-years gap before Perry, Ned, Gunner and the Portwood gang are back!


215 | Les Princes

...to be continued / à suivre...

Excited ? Well, the rest will be published alongside other short stories in Projet 17 Mai volume 2.

La suite qui sera publiée dans le Tome 2 du Projet 17 Mai contre les LGBTphobies!


To know more about Projet 17 Mai / Pour en savoir plus sur Projet 17 Mai : Facebook

To donate and help fund the second book / Pour participer à la campagne Ulule pour financer le volume 2 : Ulule

To read my short published in the first book, and all the other stories / Pour lire ma participation au tome 1 (et toutes les autres) :  : Projet17mai.com

213 | Ephemeral

Hey everyone!

It's the first comic I've drawn in 2014 (it was a complicated year) so it's a little rough around the edges. I had the idea a while ago, it was inspired by the theme of the annual Comics Contest at the University ("Ephémère"). I didn't submit anything, but I decided to still draw a story, and here it is. It's the longest and most complex short story I've published so far so I think it can get a little confusing, but I still like the result and I'll probably do something similar sometime soon.

Anyway, I hope you liked it!

Salut à tous!

C'est la première bédé que je dessine en 2014 (pour diverses raisons) donc j'y vois certains problèmes, mais j'en suis content quand même.

Un peu de contexte : "Ephémère" était le thème du concours de bédé interuniversitaire de l'an dernier. Je n'y ai pas participé mais j'ai quand même eu cette idée et j'ai décidé de la dessiner quand même, pour moi (avec du coup moins de contraintes). C'est la nouvelle la plus longue et complexe que j'ai publié jusqu'ici, d'où quelques petits problèmes, mais j'en suis content quand même, et j'en referai sans doute une du genre!

J'espère que vous avez aimé !

208 | TBFD : Bike And The City

Yay ! Finally, the blog is back after a 3-months-long break. I hope you enjoyed this new chapter of the Barely Fake Diary ! This one was a long time coming (I actually wrote most of it last summer). More content is coming soon.

Oh, and if you're in or stop by Montreal and also enjoy sweating like you've just took a bath fully clothed, here's a cool article listing the best places to ride in the city

. Maybe I'll see you there ! :)

188 | American Freaks 2 !!

American Freaks' second episode starts today, drawn especially for the new website !
Click and enjoy !
I'm not going to post something on here to announce every new publication on the other blog, so you should subscribe to it for new pages of American Freaks, Bruise and Breslyn New Arch !

Une nouvelle histoire de American Freaks commence aujourd'hui, dessinée spécialement pour le nouveau site. Bonne lecture !
Par contre, je ne vais pas toujours annoncer les nouvelles publications de l'autre blog ici, donc abonnez-vous y pour les nouvelles pages de American Freaks, Bruise et Breslyn New Arch !