225⎪New Adventures of Old Bruise

Hey everybody! It’s been a while since the last blog post, which doesn’t mean I haven’t been drawing, on the contrary ! Since the beginning of the year, I have a cool new contract that actually pays me a bunch of money to draw, which is really nice, but doesn’t give me much time to work on my own stuff.
And still, here’s - finally - the full third issue of Bruise !


Though it seems like it took a while to complete, it’s actually the Bruise story I’ve spent the least time working on. The third instalment was originally going to be a completely different story, having Bruise and Will take Yogi to steal some McGuffin on a cruise ship. I realised it wasn’t strong enough for a third episode, and it was too early in the narrative to have the characters galavant outside of New Arch City already. Thus, I had to come up with a completely new subplot to replace it, and that’s how i came up with this episode, “Scandal in the wind”. and not only do I think it’s way stronger than what I’d planned, I also really like the new character I created specifically for this story, Nola Del Rey. I had a lot of fun writing this episode and drawing the two action scenes, and I hope it’ll show.

Here a preview of the first four pages :

The online shop is now open so, if you’re interested, you can buy Issue #3 there, as well as all the other episodes, other comics and posters of some of the site’s artworks. (If you’re interested in purchasing any artwork that isn’t featured on the shop page, message me directly at contact@thekoneverse.com and tell me which one you wish to buy!)

Thanks for the support, and I’m really excited to hear what you think about it, so don’t hesitate to reach out !

Bruise #3 - Digital edition
Bruise #3 - Print Edition

Bruise has a new mission : escorting the Costa Frican princess Nola Del Rey during her week in New Arch City. Unfortunately, neither the fact that Will tags along nor the men that are after the princess are going to make the task any easier…

Signed copy - COLORS - 40 PAGES

Age rating : TEENS - Mild violence, coarse language.

187 | American Bruise City

Several months ago, I started posting pages of Breslyn, New Arch, a graphic novel I've been working on for quite a while, on the comics online publishing site Manolosanctis. But following its death, there was no way for readers to have access to it, as I didn't publish it anywhere else. So I decided to create a new blog, New Arch City, in which I was to publish the story and the next chapters when I'll draw them. Then, I had the idea to just use it to publish all my ongoing projects, Bruise (yes, no, Bruise isn't over !) and American Freaks (whose intro is already on this blog).
So, from now on, check New Arch City for new comics and go (re)read the 100 pages + that are already on there, including a new chapter of Bresly, New Arch ! Soon ; the next pages of Bruise, and a new chapter of American Freaks !

Il y a quelques mois, j'ai publié sur Manolosanctis les premières pages de Breslyn, New Arch, le roman graphique sur lequel je bossais depuis un bout de temps. Mais, à la suite de la mort du site, il n'y avait plus aucun moyen d'accéder aux planches que je n'avais publié nulle part ailleurs. J'ai donc décidé d'ouvrir un nouveau blog, New Arch City pour les y republier, et dans la foulée, j'ai décidé d'y mettre les autres séries que je dessine e ce moment, soit Bruise (oui, Bruise va revenir !) et American Freaks. Elles seront donc tout trois publiées sur ce site à partir de maintenant, et en attendant la suite, vous pouvez dès maintenant aller (re)lire les 100 pages et plus qui s'y trouvent déjà, incluant un nouveau chapitre de Breslyn ! Bientôt ; la suite de Bruise, et une nouvelle histoire de American Freaks !

Bonne lecture !

136 | Welcome back to New Arch (2)

I've (over)announced it like EVERYWHERE, the second episode of Bruise has now begun so don't hesitate to tell me what you think about the design changes ! And, OK, I promise the next post will be something original that has nothing to do with Bruise. :p
Je l'ai (sur)annoncé PARTOUT, le deuxième épisode de Bruise vient de commencer (la version française arrive lundi prochain sur Webcomics.fr et Manolosanctis), alors n'hésitez pas à me dire ce que vous pensez de l'évolution graphique ! Et OK, je promets que le prochain post sera quelque chose d'original qui n'aura rien à voir avec Bruise. :p

135 | Welcome back to New Arch !!

Here the original cover for the second episode of New Arch City, starting next week, starring all the major characters appearing in it !! Exciting, right ? 
Click here for exclusive previews !
Et voici la couverture originale du second épisode de Bruise (datant de 2009) qui commence la semaine prochaine, avec plein de nouveaux personnages pour éclaircir (ou épaissir) les mystères qui entourent Bruise !!
C'est ici pour des previews inédits !

126 | It's my birthday, so I draw what I want !

I'm turning 20 today, but I didn't really get the time to draw anything birthday-related, so instead, here's an artwork of Will (from my current webcomics New Arch City Bruise), on the "Breslyn Bridge". This artwork - and several other ones introducing other NAC famous places and new characters - will be published on New Arch City a little before the beginning of the second episode (early January - full colored hopefully !).

J'ai 20 ans aujourd'hui, mais j'ai pas vraiment eu le temps de dessiner quoique ce soit en rapport avec les anniversaires, donc à la place, voici une illustration de Will (l'héroïne de mon webcomics Bruise), sur le Pont de Breslyn. Cette illustration - et d'autres, présentant d'autres endroits populaires de la ville et de nouveaux personnages - sera publiée sur le site de Bruise peu avant le début du deuxième épisode (début janvier, entièrement en couleurs, normalement !).

103 | The Countdown is (almost) over...

Just while I'm writing this down, there's only forty minutes between you and the five first pages of my new webcomics / blog New Arch City, so I'm posting two previews here real quick - so they can still be called "preview".
Au moment où j'écris ces lignes, il reste moins d'une heure avant que les cinq premières pages de mon nouveau webcomics/blog New Arch City ne soient publiées d'un coup, alors je poste ces deux pages très vite pour qu'elles puissent encore être considérées comme des previews. Et moins d'une semaine avant le début de la version française !

Enjoy and tell me what you think !